Acupuncture Therapy

Acupuncture is an age-old system of medicine that comes from the East. Healing is based on Eastern philosophy and the diagnosis of your health is different than conventional medicine. Acupuncture treats the whole body. Running through the body are channels of energy that are connected with your organs, such as the spleen, liver, heart and lungs to name a few. Think of these channels as rivers for a moment... when the river flows freely, all is good and the ecosystem is intact. If the river gets jammed with debris, this creates a block in the system and the river struggles to flow freely and this affects the ecosystem both upstream and downstream. When the debris is removed, the river flows well again and the ecosystem adapts to get back to normal. This is how acupuncture works.

When a channel is blocked, this creates symptoms such as pain, insomnia, neuropathy, fatigue, mood swings, numbness and tingling. When the river is blocked, there can be too much fullness upstream and deficiency downstream. Same with the channels. Needles are applied to various acupoints distributed throughout the body. This opens up the channels for energy, called "qi", and blood to move freely again. This relieves your symptoms.

However, acupuncture is not only for symptom relief. It is a holistic treatment. It optimizes your health as well. As we age, for example, our kidney energy gets lower and we experience all kinds of slowing down. If we tonify the kidneys by using certain acupuncture treatments, aging slows down and we feel better. The kidneys then affect other organs and their health improves. All the channels are connected and affect each other. In this way, overall health improves.

Acupuncture is a system of medicine. It involves needling but encompasses other therapies as well, including acupressure, gua sha, cupping, moxa, electro-therapy, infra red light, Eastern nutrition and tui na type of massage. If you are weary of needles, other techniques can be used.

If you're interested in trying acupuncture to improve your health, please call the front desk to schedule an appointment with Dr Preeta Kuhlman, licensed naturopathic physician and licensed acupuncturist. She also integrates craniosacral therapy with acupuncture for a deeply relaxing treatment.

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